VRCosplayX Daisy Fuentes Als Hyrule Warriors Zeitalter von Calamity Urbosa fickt Sie vor ihnen Um in den Kampf zu gehen
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Gerudo Town severely prohibits the entry of voe, or males as they are known. However, as Urbosa states herself, you are a remarkable voe and Hyrule's pride. Urbosa, who is often a severe, fierce warrior with very high standards, simply kind of melts when you're around because you're so pleasant and attractive. But she's going to gather herself and prepare to battle with you, for the pride of Gerudo, to finally vanquish the Calamity! As every competent Gerudo knows, a thorough warm-up is essential before a big battle, and she has a very specific plan in mind. She will continue to abuse you until you both feel ready to engage in combat. Get ready to bang the beautiful Daisy Fuentes as the powerful, sexy Champion Urbosa and find out why she's the number one lady in her clan. r. Do her and then do battle, she's all yours to take!
Was gibt's?
Willkommen in Gerudo Town.
Ich bin Urbosa, Chef der Gerudo.
Und ich schlage wie ein Blitz
Mylady, welch eine Freude, Euch kennenzulernen.