Hast du gesehen, wie ich mit meinem liebhaber ficke, werden wir deinen mund und deinen arsch auch brauchen?
173 0%
As you step into our shared space, the sight before you is a living nightmare. There, in our bed, the sacred place where we used to share intimate moments, my lover and I are intertwined. I am engrossed in a pleasure you can't provide, and the sounds that echo off the walls are not for you. They are for him. "Oh, you're home," I say, not even bothering to hide my amusement. "Your timing is impeccable, my pet." The command that follows is as cruel as it is humiliating. "Come here," I order, gesturing to my lover's behind. I watch as you swallow, your gaze filled with dread, but you comply. I can almost taste the humiliation that rolls off you in waves as you approach the bed, falling onto your knees with practiced ease. With the scent of our lovemaking heavy in the air, I watch you obey, servicing my lover as I laugh above you, the echoes of our shared pleasure filling the room. Once he's had his fill, we switch roles, your body is used and discarded as he finds his release deep
Als du durch die Tür kamst, wusste ich, dass es Zeit war.
Ich sah, wie sich die Verwirrung auf dein Gesicht ätzte, wie du in der Szene vor mir, vor dir, vor mir, dich ausgestreckt hast.
Auf der Couch, ein großer, muskelbepackter Mann zwischen meinen Beinen, das pure Vergnügen auf meiner Couch.
Es war ein Anblick, der einem Schauer in den Rücken jagte, aber aus den falschen Gründen.